dubbio su obbiettivo 40 - 50 mm nikon z

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Iscritto: 23 Gen 2021
Messaggi: 8

MessaggioInviato: Lun 31 Gen, 2022 11:15 pm    Oggetto: dubbio su obbiettivo 40 - 50 mm nikon z Rispondi con citazione

ciao a tutti possiedo una z6...con un bel corredo base... e 105 mm 2.8
svolgo foto a modelle e macro.. e mi serviva un altro obb fisso per completare il corredo..
pensavo o il nikon z 40 mm f 2 oppure il piu caro nikon z 50 1.8... secondo voi il doppio di prezzo li vale ?
ho anche attacco ftz potrei valutare su altri obbiettivi 40 - 50 mm.... se avete suggerimenti smile.gif grazie..
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Iscritto: 27 Set 2005
Messaggi: 5387

MessaggioInviato: Mar 01 Feb, 2022 11:44 am    Oggetto: Rispondi con citazione

"Nikon promised an above average normal prime performing on a new level, and they certainly delivered. The Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S delivers extremely sharp images, combined with very pleasing background blur.
The lens resolution is outstanding both because of the high level across the whole image frame straight from the maximum aperture, but also because of its uniformity across the tested aperture range (until diffraction kicks in and reduces the maximum possible resolution at smaller apertures).

Background blur is very soft and smooth with evenly filled highlights without visible outlining. The latter is also partly because of the fairly low amount of bokeh fringing. In summary, the bokeh quality is outstanding for this lens class.

CAs are very well controlled and no issue at all. Distortion is fairly low natively already and well handled by software correction, if applied.

Vignetting is pronounced at large apertures, but that's to be expected from such a lens. Software correction can take care of it completely, it's surprising though that Nikon does not make full use of its own correction profile in-camera.

The build quality of the lens is on a very high level. There are some plastic parts on the lens body, but most of it is made from aluminum and feels sturdy and solid. Controls on the lens are reduced to a minimum, just the AF/M switch and the focus ring. The latter works electronically thugh with variable speed and can be customized to control a (small) selection of other functions.

Thanks to a stepping motor, autofocus is very fast and silent.

In summary, a really impressive lens that easily deserves our 'Highly Recommended' badge."

Le mie foto su Flickr. I miei video su YouTube. Non sono niente di che.
Olympus E-M1 II, M.Zuiko 12-45mm f/4 PRO, 75-300mm f/4.8-6.7 II, 60mm f/2.8 Macro, Panasonic Leica 9mm f/1.7. Flash Godox V350.
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