X-T3: nuovo firmware 3.20: miglioramenti autofocus

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Iscritto: 27 Set 2005
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MessaggioInviato: Mer 29 Gen, 2020 10:18 am    Oggetto: X-T3: nuovo firmware 3.20: miglioramenti autofocus Rispondi con citazione

Detail of the update

The firmware update Ver.3.20 from Ver.3.10 incorporates the following issues:

1.Enhanced autofocus.
*Improving the tracking performance of the eye AF frame, making it easier to attain accurate autofocus on the eyes.
*Improving face-detection performance when there are faces of different sizes within the same frame, making it easier to attain accurate autofocus.
*Improving autofocus capability on a foreground subject even when there is a mixture of foreground and background subjects within a AF frame, causing the foreground subject to go out of focus, e.g. when shooting flowers against a busy background.
2.Capability to save up to 9,999 pictures in each folder.
Until now, the number of pictures that can be saved in a folder on an SD card was limited to 999. This update will raise the limit by ten times to 9,999 pictures.
3.The phenomena below during a movie shooting are fixed.
*Focus hunting at the minimum aperture.
*A black line can sometimes appear on the bottom of the center.
4.Fix of minor bugs.

Le mie foto su Flickr. I miei video su YouTube. Non sono niente di che.
Olympus E-M1 II, 12-45mm f/4 PRO, 75-300mm f/4.8-6.7 II, 60mm f/2.8 Macro, Panasonic 9mm f/1.7. Flash Godox V350.
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