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Celeste Network
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Iscritto: 05 Apr 2016
Messaggi: 3

MessaggioInviato: Mer 16 Nov, 2016 2:46 pm    Oggetto: Streamers Rispondi con citazione

Show your project’s artwork and inspirational images, documenting online the relationship between artwork and its creative context.

The prize is open to all themes.

Join now, deadline is 7th December 2016.

Full details:

Total Awards 8,000 €
6,000 € Prize Best Artistic Project
2,000 € Prize Best Project which changes a community

The Jury will select the 10 finalist projects:
Irene Alison, chief-curator of Streamers and founder of Doll’s Eye Reflex Laboratory
Camilla Invernizzi, ArtsFor_
Lucy Pike, EyeEm
Arianna Rinaldo, Cortona On the Move Festival
Jamie Wellford, National Geographic

The winners of the two awards will be announced by Irene Alison and the jury during the opening of the final exhibition at the Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy, April 2017.

Entry fee:
50 € for one Project (includes up to 60 images and/or videos), for additional Projects 40 €.

Start publishing the progress of your project from your personal account in Celeste Network:

For more info:
Celeste Network,
tel +39 0577 1521988

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